We went down a similar road looking for a better change model. However, what we discovered was a conflict between organizational change and organization design. Organizations that are designed for control are striving for stability in a changing world. if you rethink organizations, leadership, and change - you can envision an organization that is designed for routine, adaptive change with engaged employees. There are several organizations designed in this way, built around a common set of principles and guidelines. However, they all started that way as start-ups or were led through an existential crisis by a visionary leader. That leaves all the traditional organizations designed for power and control - where the culture and work processes reinforce that control. The challenge is to find local footholds to test ideas (or wait for them to die and be replaced as the start-up outgrow them). I write about many of these ideas at https://www.linkedin.com/newsletters/new-era-organizations-7066625123297988608/

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Brilliant as ever, Dr. Nowik!

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